Thursday, December 12, 2013

SharePoint Web Properties

I like to make use of web properties to make my solutions more flexible and configurable. For instance, a client of mine likes to request automated emails from SharePoint. But experience has taught me that these emails can get overwhelming and it’s not uncommon for a customer to come back later and request that I stop the emails or reduce their frequency. If the sending and frequency of emails is hard coded into a deployed solution, then the process to change the emails involves a code change and a redeployment which takes time and always has an element of risk to it. Therefore, in cases like these I will code my solution to read web properties to drive these behaviors.

For example, I might create a web property named “Customer_SendEmails_OnOff” which can have a value of “On” or “Off”, and another one named “Customer_Email_FrequencyHours” which would have a value of the number of hours between emails, like “6”. My deployed solution reads in these property values and behaves accordingly.  If it reads the “Customer_SendEmail_OnOff” property and the value is “Off” then it sends no emails, if it is “On” then it reads the “Customer_Email_FrequencyHours” property value to determine the minimum number of hours between emails.  This way, I can use a few PowerShell commands to alter these property values and correspondingly change the behavior of my deployed solution immediately.

Here are some useful code samples related to this process:

PowerShell (add or update a web property)
# Make sure the SharePoint namespace is loaded
Add-pssnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell –erroraction silentlycontinue;

# Set some sample variables
$yourservername = "contoso.local";
$yoursitepath = "sites/Accounting/Audits";
$yourpropname = "Customer_Email_OnOff";
$yourpropvalue = "On";

# Get an SPWeb object
$web = get-spweb ("http://{0}/{1}" –f $yourservername, $yoursitepath);

# Get a hashtable of all the properties on the SPWeb
$props = $web.AllProperties;

# Add or update the property
# NOTE: Add "" to ensure PowerShell interprets value as a string
if ($props.ContainsKey($yourpropname)
    $props[$yourpropname] = "" + $yourpropvalue;
    $props.Add($yourpropname, "" + $yourpropvalue);

# Commit updates to the SPWeb

# Release SPWeb from memory

PowerShell (iterate all existing properties)
# Make sure the SharePoint namespace is loaded
Add-pssnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell –erroraction silentlycontinue;

# Set some sample variables
$yourservername = "contoso.local";
$yoursitepath = "sites/Accounting/Audits";

# Get an SPWeb object
$web = get-spweb ("http://{0}/{1}" –f $yourservername, $yoursitepath);

# Get a hashtable of all the properties on the SPWeb
$props = $web.AllProperties;

# Iterate the property names and values
foreach ($p in $props.Keys)
    write-host –f green "PropertyName: " -nonewline;
    write-host –f yellow $p;
    write-host –f green "       Value: " -nonewline;
    write-host –f yellow $props[$p];

# Release SPWeb from memory

PowerShell (cleanup/delete selected existing properties, full script)
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Target subweb for properties (e.g. http://contoso.local/sites/accounting/audits)')][System.String]$weburl)

# Get our web object
$web = get-spweb $weburl;

# Create an empty array to hold the keys to be deleted
$deleteKeys = @();

# Iterate through each property
$props = [System.Collections.HashTable]$web.allproperties;
foreach ($p in $props.keys)
    write-host -f green " PropertyName: " -nonewline;
    write-host -f yellow $p -nonewline;
    write-host -f red " <- Delete? " -nonewline;
    # Read key input until "Y" or "N" pressed
    do {
        $key = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown");
    until (($key.Character -eq "Y") -or ($key.Character -eq "N"))
    # Echo the key pressed
    write-host -f White $key.Character;
    # Since we cannot update a collection we are iterating through,
    # add the keys to delete into our array
    if ($key.Character -eq "Y")
        $deleteKeys += $p;


# Delete the property keys that were marked for deletion
foreach ($propkey in $deleteKeys)
    write-host -f red "      Deleted: " -nonewline;
    write-host -f yellow $propkey;

# Commit our changes

# Release the SPWeb object from memory

C# (read a property value)
// Set some sample variables
string yourservername = "contoso.local";
string yoursitepath = "sites/Accounting/Audits";
string yourpropname = "Customer_Email_OnOff";
string yourpropvalue = string.Empty();
object property = null;

// Access the site object
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(string.Format("http://{0}/{1}", yourservername, yoursitepath)))

    // Access the web object
    using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())

        // Attempt to get the property
        property = web.AllProperties[yourpropname];

        // Check for null
        if (property != null)

            // Populate your variable with the value that was read
            yourpropvalue = property.ToString();


            // Handle error
            throw new ArgumentNullException(yourpropname, "Property returned null.");


   } // end using web

} // end using site

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